
Bird News Thursday 26th February

Late news for yesterday was the male Smew was at the Farland Bank Hide, Inch Island. (Peter Robinson+Coleraine RSPB group)

The Little Egret was at Moat Park Dundonald this morning (Rhona Galway)

The first winter Iceland Gull was again at the RSPB Belfast Harbour reserve (Derek Polley)

A second-winter Iceland Gull was still at the mouth of the Bush at Portballintrae (Derek McIntyre)

At Larne Lough the Green-wiged Teal and 2 Little Egret were at Ballycarry Bridge. A second-winter Mediterranean Gull and 2 Gadwall were at Glynn (Cameron Moore)

Thanks to Jane McLaughlin for the pic of the flock of Knot at Whitehouse Lagoon, Bert Montgomery for the drake Smew at Inch and Christine Cassidy for the Buzzard:

Knot, Jane McLaughlin

Smew, Bert Montgomery

Buzzard, Christine Cassidy

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