
Bird News Tuesday 3rd February

The American Wigeon was  in Malin town, Co. Donegal, on the right hand side just over the bridge on your way in. There was also a Little Egret, a Greenshank and a Snipe. (Margaret Adamson). 

A Kingfisher was on the Six Mile Water in Antrim. (Alan Hillen).

Killough had a juvenile Peregrine, Great Northern Diver, Little Egret, 108 Curlew, 79 Brent Geese and 6 Shelduck. (Tim Murphy).

Thanks to Margaret Adamson for the picture of the American Wigeon, to Christine Cassidy for the picture of the Buzzard, to David Hunter for the picture of the Blackcap and to Alan Hillen for the picture of the Kingfisher.

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