
NIRSG Conference

This is just a reminder that the NIRSG Conference 2015 will be held at the Discovery Centre, Oxford Island, on Saturday 7th March.

There is a fantastic line-up of speakers including Dr. Allan Mee talking about the progress of the white-tailed eagle reintroduction in Ireland, Richard Francksen telling us about his work researching the relationship between buzzards, hen harriers and red grouse at Langholm Moor in Scotland, Dr. Andrew Dixon talking about tracking falcons and  Dr Rob Davies talking about his work on raptors in Africa, among many. The full line up, speakers profiles and agenda will be circulated soon.

The conference will cost £20 per person which includes lunch. This year you will be able to pay in advance and details will be circulated shortly.

PUT IT IN YOUR DIARY!! For further details email:

Dr. Eimear Rooney
Raptor Officer NI
Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group

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