
Bird News Friday 13th March

The first-winter Kumlien's Gull was at Lurgan Park Lake (David Knight/Frank Carroll).

58 Twite were at Island Magee. The Green-winged Teal was a mile north of Ballycarry Bridge on the Island Magee side and 2 Little Egret on the north side of the bridge (Cameron Moore).

Newry Canal Poyntzpass to Scarva this morning produced: - 1 Sparrowhawk soaring with 8 Buzzards, 1 calling Water Rail, 2 Raven, 9 Goldcrest, 4 Long-tailed Tit, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Redwing, 7 Tree Sparrows, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 5 Bullfinch and 1 Reed Bunting. (Fulton Somerville).

On the Antrim side of Belfast Lough 6 Long-tailed Duck, 5 Red-throated Diver and 13 Pale-bellied Brent were at Greenisland Sea Park (Gerard McGeehan).

Thanks to Fulton Somerville for the picture of a Kingfisher and to David Knight for the pictures of the Lurgan Park Kumlien's Gull.



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