
Bird News Saturday 28th March

A 1st winter Glaucous Gull and a 1st winter Iceland Gull were at Ardglass Harbour. (Tim Murphy)

2 Wheatear, Male & Female were at Malin Head, Inishowen, County Donegal (Dermot Mc Laughlin, Christine Cassidy & Lindsay Hodges)

A Barnacle Goose, 3 Pink-footed Geese and 2 Greenland Whitefronts were at Reedy Flats, Lough Neagh. A Hen Harrier was also seen at Portmore Lough (Brian Murphy)

2 Sandwich Tern and a Chiffchaff were at Ballymacormick Point (Andy Elliott)

Antrim Castle Gardens had 2 Dippers. 80+ Whopper Swans were in a field near Newferry. (Janet McKevitt & Fulton Somerville)

There wee 3 Little Egrets at the Floodgates in Newtownards this afternoon (David McCormick)

You can share scarce or rare bird news, or pics of our local birds via - twitter @nibirds - Flightline 02891467408 - Text 07973 403146.

Thanks to our photographers today, Robert McDowell, Christine Cassidy and Fulton Sommerville:

Great Northern Diver - Robert McDowell:

Male Wheatear - Christine Cassidy:

Whooper Swans - Fulton Sommerville

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