
Bird News Sunday 15th March

The 1w Kumliens Gull was at Lurgan Park lake this morning (Kevin Kirkham-Brown / Garry Armstrong)

The Spoonbill was at Ann's Point, Strangford (Keith Bennett)

Five Iceland Gulls were around the fish cages at Warerfoot, Co Antrim (Philip West)

A First-year Iceland Gull was at Ballysaggart Lough (Dungannon), Co. Tyrone (David Knight)

The 1w Iceland Gull was at Sandy Bay, Larne (Ian Graham)

There was a Sand Martin over Acton Lake between Scarva & Pointzpass today & 4 water rail showing & calling in the canal closer to Scarva. (Karen Elliott)

The adult Ring-billed Gull was at Carrickfergus (Ian Graham)

A 2nd W Iceland and 1w Glaucous Gull were at Portballintrae (Neal Warnock / Colin Guy)

A Red Kite was near Moneyslane and Newcastle Harbour had 1200+ Scoter, 8 Purple Sandpiperand c40 Kittiwake. (Janet McKevitt and Fulton Somerville)

The Green-winged Teal and 5 Little Egret were at Larne Lough and 2 adult Mediterranean Gull at Glynn (Joe Lamont, Cameron Moore)

A Merlin and 11 Twite were at St John's Point. (1 of the Twite had a single green colour ring on it's right leg).  A 1st winter 'sinenis' Cormorant, a Scaup and 11 Pintail were at the Quoile Pondage. (Tim Murphy)

You can report early sightings of our summer migrants or rare and scarce bird news at , twitter @nibirds , text 07973 403146 or Flightline: 02891467408

Thanks to Garry Armstrong for the pic of the Kumliens Gull, Fulton Sommerville for the Purple Sandpipers, Colin Guy for the Portbalintrae Glaucous Gull and Kevin Kirkham-Brown for the Kumliens in flight:

Kumliens Gull, Garry Armstrong:

Purple Sandpipers, Fulton Sommerville:

Glaucous Gull, Colin Guy

Kumliens Gull, Kevin Kirkham-Brown:

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