
Bird News Tuesday 17th March

A happy St Patricks Day to all blog visitors.

This morning, movement past Whitehead into Belfast Lough included 59 Red-throated Diver and 3 Great Northern Diver (Ian Enlander)

The first winter Kumliens Gull and Iceland Gull were still at Lurgan Park Lake (Paul Kelly).

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at the edge of Slieveanorra Forest before flying off over the moor in direction of  Newtowncrommelin. Also a female Crossbill was there (Jeff Larkin).

On Strangford Lough at Ringburr Point 5 Black-throated Diver and 6 Great-northern Diver. (Richard Weyl).

One of the Mediterranean Gulls was still at Belfast Lough RSPB WOW Reserve. (Stephen Maxwell).

The drake Lesser Scaup was still at Parisee Lough, Co. Cavan this afternoon. (Brad Robson).

Five 1st winter Iceland Gulls were at Corbally Reservoir, Portrush this morning. The Bann Estuary had approx. 250 Black –tailed Godwits and 1000+ Golden Plovers. (Colin Guy).

A Barn Owl flew across the road at the Pot Belly restaurant near Gilford at 7.00 this evening. (Alistair Prentice).

There were good numbers of Crossbills around Glenariff forest park this afternoon. A Goosander was at Ballygalley. (David Stirling).

4 Long-tailed Duck were at Greenisland Sea Park and a male Brambling at Glenwherry (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).

A flock of 21 Twite was at Islandmagee today. (Robert McDowell).

An immature female Peregrine, 8 Common Scoter and 2 Carrion Crow were at St John's point. 5 Hooded Crow migrated north over the sea.

Thanks to Stephen Maxwell for the picture of the Mediterranean Gull, to David McIlveen for the picture of the Smew from Inch Lake, to Richard Gowen for the picture of the Grey Heron carrying nesting material, to David Hill for the pictures of the Teal and the Great Crested Grebe and to Robert McDowell for the pictures of the Twite.




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