
Bird News Wednesday 4th March

The Ring-billed Gull, a Carrion Crow and 3 Twite were at Carrickfergus harbour this afternoon. (Paul McCullough).

A Red-throated Diver, in transition to breeding plumage, was close to the shore at the Seaside Road on the northern edge of Killyleagh this morning. (Ron Price).

5 Buzzard were soaring over Gilnahirk Road in East Belfast. (Derek Polley).

At Lough Beg 2 Greenland White-fronted Geese were at Mullagh. 600 Black-tailed Godwit and a Ruff were along the western shore and 3 Little Egret and 10 Pintail at Paddy's Dub (David Steele). 

At Strangford Narrows 400 Golden Plover, 180 Dunlin and a Greenshank were at Kilclief (Dot Blakely).

Three Mediteranean Gulls were on a slurries field south of Enniskillen along the A4 (Brad Robson)

Thanks to James O'Neill for the pictures of the Black Guillemot and the Black-tailed Godwit.

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