
Bird News Saturday 11th April

The Avocet is still in the main channel N of Ballycarry bridge, Larne Lough (Keith Bennett)

A Ring Ouzel has been visiting a garden on the outskirts of Glenarm for the past week.(Damian Clarkin) see pic below

The Avocet spent most of the day at Steele's Point a mile and a half north of Ballycarry Bridge on the Island Magee side (Cameron Moore). 

4 White Wagtails where at Drumfad Bay, Millisle.(Richard Weyl)

A pair of Ruddy Duck were at Portmore Lough, Antrim. (Keith Bennett)

In Killough Harbour the adult and juvenile Dark-bellied Brent Geese still among 570 Pale-bellied. Also 1000 Golden Plovers, 400 Common Gulls, 100 Herring Gulls, 1 Greenshank and 4 Sandwich Terns (Chris Murphy)

A 2nd winter Glaucous Gull flew past White Rocks, Portrush and 1st winter Iceland Gull was in Ballycastle Marina.(Colin Guy)

A Jack Snipe was at Copeland Bird Observatory.

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