
Bird News Thursday 16th April

Moyola, Waterfoot, Co.Antrim had 3 Whimbrel and one Common Sandpiper, surprisingly, no hirundines over L Neagh. (Dermot Hudges)

7 Whimbrel went West at Ramore Head (Derek McIntyre) 

This evening a Grasshopper Warbler was reeling and two chipping Snipe at Whitehead Jubilee Wood (Adam McClure)

The first summer Mediteranean Gull was still at the RSPB WOW Reserve (Stuart McKee)

A Ruff and 15 Black-tailed Godwits at Glynn (Hill Dick/Peter Robinson)

The juvenile dark-bellied Brent was still in Killough Harbour. Also a Whimbrel. (Chris Murphy)

Yesterday at Carn Hill windfarm Woodburn Co Antrim had 2 Jack Snipe , 35 Common Snipe and 20 Wheatear.(Dermot Hudges)

Our thanks to Margaret Adamson who found this leucistic Chaffinch at Mountstewart Co Down. 
Also to Richard Gowen for the picture of a Blackcap taking a break on board a survey ship in the Irish Sea:

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