
Bird News Tuesday 14th April

A second-summer male Marsh Harrier was at the yacht club end of the Quoile Pondage (Billy Miskelly)

11 White Wagtail, a Common Sandpiper, Blackcap, 2 Swallow and lots of Willow Warbler wee at Lower Lough Erne Islands RSPB Reserve (Brad Robson)

Approx 1000 Golden Plover in summer plumage at Bann Estuary, Castlerock.  (Sandy McWilliams and Stuart McQueen)

A Cuckoo was heard calling between 18 - 20hrs this evening on the Coleraine campus of the University of Ulster. (Ken and Dorothy Perry)

Thanks to Noeni Bryars for this pic of a Common Sandpiper from Belfast WOW yesterday:

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