
Bird News Wednesday 22nd April

A single Swift was at Tullagh, Cookstown, Co Tyrone. (Tony McCormick)

A first summer Mediteranean Gull was at Belfast WOW (Brian Murphy)

A Cuckoo was on the Lattone Road, Belcoo, Co. Fermanagh (Eileen McKenzie).

2 Common Sandpiper were at Castle Archdale, Fermanagh (Christine Cassidy)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard drumming at The Argory, Co Armagh and a Common Sandpiper was seen along the Blackwater river. ( Pat Flowerday).

In Fermanagh 38 White Wagtail, a Grasshopper Warbler, Cuckoo and numerous Sedge Warbler were at Lower Lough Erne Islands RSPB. Yesterday evening 2 Long-eared Owl were present (Brad Robson).  

A Sandwich Tern was at Kinnegar and in south Down a Willow Warbler was at the car park at Murlough and a Cuckoo in the dune area (Tom Clarke).

A Red Kite was close to Tyrella Beach and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was in Tollymore Forest, Newcastle. (Michael Norton).

In south Down 3 Cuckoo (2 males fighting over a female) were at Murlough. 100 Pale-bellied Brent were at Dundrum Bay, another 50/60 at Killough Harbour and 50 at Ballyhornan (David Clarke).

Thanks to Michael Norton for the pictures of the Red Kite and the Great Spotted Woodpecker and to Stephen Maxwell for the pictures of the Blackcap and Willow Warbler.



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