
Bird News Wednesday 8th April

A 1st winter Dark-bellied Brent Goose was at Tyrella with 40 Pale-bellied Brent Also at Tyrella today: 74 Red-throated Divers, 4 Great Northern Divers, 186 Red-breasted Mergansers, 2 pairs of Eider, 260 Scoter and 510 Sanderling (Chris Murphy).

200 Golden Plover were in flight at Groomsport and 18 Sandwich Tern on Cockle Island (Jim Whitla, Fulton Somerville).  

At Larne Lough 108 Pale-bellied Brent, a Kingfisher and Little Egret were at Glynn and 50 Twite and a Red-throated Diver at Island Magee (Cameron Moore).

Thanks to Chris Murphy for the picture of the Dark-bellied Brent, the left hand bird, Karl Martin for the picture of the Stonechat, Gareth Buchanan for the picture of the Grey Wagtail, to Stephen Maxwell for the picture of the Black-tailed Godwit and to Dick Glasgow for the picture of the Chiffchaff.


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