
Bird News Sunday 10th May

A Spotted Flycatcher was ringed this morning on Copeland Bird Observatory.

At least 3 Spotted Flycatchers at Kelly's wood, St John's point (Keith Bennett)

St John’s Pt from 10:15 to 11:15 had 21Red-throated, 1Black-throated and 3 Great Northern Divers, all passing north. Also 1Greenland Wheatear, 1 Whitethroat and 1 Spotted Flycatcher (Kelly’s Wood). A Whimbrel and 7 Sandwich Terns were in Killough Harbour (Chris Murphy)

4 Swift were over Ards Hospital (Mark Harrison)

A Hobby was reported over Knockmore Road, Lisburn (Kev Kirkham-Brown)

Yesterday, a Chough was on Rathlin Island - see photo below (Dora Ferguson and Stephen McAuley)

Thanks to Dora for the photo of the Chough and to Dick Glasgow for the images of the Dunnock and Yellowhammer:

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