
Bird News Sunday 24th May

2 Mealy Redpoll, a Pomarine Skua, 6 Great Skua and 6 White Wagtail were at Tory Island in Donegal. There was no sign of the Hooded Mergansers. (Brad Robson)

A Corncrake and Cuckoo have been calling for 3 days now along Isle Road, 3 miles from Bushmills (John Witmanson).

A drake Gadwall was at Kinnegar Lagoon (William Smiton)

A Reed Warbler and Water Rail were at the hide at Kinnegoe Bay, Oxford Island (Frank Carroll)

A drake Garganey was at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve, in meadow drains late afternoon (Birdguides)

Four Cuckoo were seen on Inishowen, Co Donegal today. (Christine Cassidy and Ray Brogan)

You can share rare and scarce bird news and pics via  Many thanks to all contributors.

Thanks to Christine Cassidy for this picture of a Cuckoo:

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