
Bird News Wednesday 6th May

A Whinchat was at Altnahinch on Monday 4th May (Joe Lamont)

6/7 Pomarine Skua flew north-east across Lower Lough Erne (Peter Taylor).
Kearney Point along the Outer Ards has 5 Whimbrel, 3 Purple Sandpiper, 6 Turnstone, 3 Sandwich Tern, 60 Golden Plover, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, Linnet, 2 Reed Bunting, Bullfinch and Gannets (Dot Blakely).

10 Swift were over Whitehead this morning (Ian Enlander) and 6 were seen at Gracehill this evening (John Loughlin and Irene Miller)
The Newry Canal between Scarva and Poyntzpass had 13 Chiffchaff, 36 Wilow Warbler, 26 Blackcap and29 Sedge Warbler (a high count for there). Lough Shark had 150 hirundines, 4 Swift and a Jay (Fulton Somerville).
A Common Sandpiper was at Upperlands Dam (David Morrow).

You can report rare or scarce bird news via  twitter @nibirds  or Flightline 02891 467408.

Thanks to Joe Lamont for this pic of the Whinchat and to Dick Glasgow for the shot of the Linnet:

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