
BTO House Martin Survey 2015

There are still squares available for the BTO House Martin Survey 2015.

A very easy and relaxed survey to complete, the primary aim of this year’s survey is to estimate the current UK population, using a method that is repeatable so that we can measure future changes in population size. We will also be trying to fill the gaps in our current knowledge about House Martin breeding ecology and to find out if it varies geographically. The survey builds on a small-scale study of House Martins carried out between 2009 and 2013.

It is based on randomly selected 1-km squares, which will be used to produce robust population estimates. We anticipate that there will be an additional survey in 2016, which will involve regular observation of nests over the course of the breeding season, recording details of the timing of nest activity and breeding success.

First visits should be made from 1st June and visits can be made at any time of day (apart from the first and last hours of daylight when birds may be roosting).

If you would like to get involved, please visit to request a square or for more information, visit

House Martins taking a break from nest building. Photograph by Doug Welch

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