
Bird News Friday 26th June

The adult summer Franklin's Gull was still at Church Bay at Lough Beg (Tony O'Mahony, George Gordon). The Great White Egret was also seen and yesterday a first-summer Little Gull was at Lady Bay, Lough Neagh (Tony O'Mahony).

The Mediterranean Gull was still at Belfast WOW RSPB reserve. (Derek Polley).

The 1st summer Iceland Gull was still at Glenarm. (Gareth Platt).

A Water Rail and chick were calling by the dead tree on the towpath near Scarva. (Karen Elliott)

boat birding trip will operate tomorrow evening from Cushendall to Fair Head. It leaves Cushendall Boat Club at 6pm. Seats are £15 each. Please give Jim Wells a call on 07856235144 if interested.

Thanks to Gareth Platt for the picture of the Iceland Gull and to Derek Polley for the pictures of the Mediterranean Gull and the Redpoll.


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