
Bird News Saturday 6th June

The Great White Egret continues to show well at Carnroe Weir, River Bann. (Eddie Manthorp /Peter Robinson /Hill Dick)

Yesterday a Bean Goose together with a Pink-footed Goose flew north over Port Muck, Islandmagee, at 7:30pm (Chris Murphy)

A 1st summer Little Gull, an adult and 2 1st summer Mediterranean Gulls, 2 1st summer Artic Terns as well as good numbers of adult Arctic, Common and Sandwich Terns were at Swan Island, Strangford. (Tim Murphy)

Yesterday 3 Spotted Flycatchers were at Scrabo Country Park, the at walled garden (Harry Byron)

You can share your rare and scarce bird sightings via email at

Thanks to Dick Glasgow for this pic of a recently fledged Tree Sparrow:

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