
Bird News Tuesday 16th June

3 Reed Warbler were singing at Oxford Island this morning. (Brian Murphy).

A Great White Egret, 2 Little Egret and a male Garganey were at Lough Beg (David Steele).

A Corncrake was calling at Horn Head, Co. Donegal yesterday evening and a Long-eared Owlet was calling in woodland at Marble Hill also in Donegal. (Christine Cunningham).

Thanks to Stephen Maxwell for the picture of a Peregrine taken at a roost site and for the first Cuckoo picture, to Christine Cassidy for the Razorbill on Rathlin and to Dick Glasgow for the second Cuckoo picture. You can also see a video of Dick's cuckoo at the picture of the nesting House Martins is from Christine Cunningham:

Peregrine, Stephen Maxwell:

Razorbill, Christine Cassidy:

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