
Ailsa Craig Boat Trip

The last Ailsa Craig boat trip of the year will take place on Monday 27th July leaving Cushendall Boat Club at 10am.

Thirty people took part in the previous 4 trips and had marvellous views of 36,000 pairs of nesting Gannets, 10,000 pairs of Guillemots and Razorbills (and Puffins), as well as Twite, Manx Shearwaters, Minke Whales, Porpoises, and seals. Sailing along the bottom of the cliffs which have so many nesting seabirds is an amazing experience and all those who have been on this trip have really enjoyed it. If you are interested please contact Jim Wells on 
07856 235144

Guillemots at Ailsa Craig, Maia Taylor:

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