
Bird News Wednesday 22nd July

A Pectoral Sandpiper is at Belfast Harbour WOW Reserve. Also 173 Dunlin, a Greenshank, 2 Knot, a Peregrine and Common Sandpiper (Gerard McGeehan).

A male Hen Harrier was near Cushendun. A Great Skua and a pod of 9 Long-finned Pilot Whales, including two young, were off Ballycastle near Marconi 's cottage. (Garry Wilkinson).

180 Sandwich Tern were at Whitehead. Two of the colour rings were read (white EHL and a green ring). Also present were a Common Sandpiper, 3 Common Tern and a juvenile Peregrine hunting Starlings along the seafront. 100 Manx Shearwater were offshore (Cameron Moore).

This evening the Great White Egret was just south of Church Island, Lough Beg. (Jeff Larkin & Denver Shiels)

Thanks to Lilian Cummings for these pictures of Puffin, Kittiwake and Razorbill from Rathlin.

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