
Bird News Friday 3rd July

The adult Franklin's Gull was seen at Lough Beg yesterday, not showing particularly well and in the second bay south of Church Island (Richard Gray, Garry Wilkinson)

An Osprey was briefly over the duck pond on the Ballygowan road near Comber before flying off towards Strangford Lough. Two broods of Tree Sparrows are being fed on a garden bird table at Aghnaleck, near Lisburn. (Garry Wilkinson).

There are two seats available on the boat trip around Rathlin which leaves Ballycastle at one pm tomorrow (Saturday ). Tickets for the 3 hour trip are £30 per person. If of interest, please phone Jim Wells on 07856235144.

A 1st summer Little Gull, 1 Little Egret, 1 Black-tailed Godwit, 3 Golden Plover and 4 Greenshank were at Killough Harbour (Tim Murphy)

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