
Bird News Sunday 12th July

A Roseate Tern was at RSPB WoW Belfast Lough. (Keith Bennett/Lilian Cummings)

A Ruff was at Belfast Harbour Lagoon and a first summer Mediterranean Gull was at Kinnegar pool.(Stuart McKee)

A Whimbrel was in the Newry Estuary this morning. (Frank Carroll)

A Mediterranean Gull was at Glynn, Larne Lough (Brian Halligan).

A Red Kite was along Knockagh Road,at Woodburn Forest (Billy Hamilton).

A Corncrake was calling from the first lay-by north of  Glenarm (Gerard McGeehan)

Thanks to Lilian Cummings for these pictures of the Roseate Tern and a Sedge Warbler.

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