
Bird News Sunday 26th July

A Green Sandpiper was showing well in front of the main hide at RSPB Belfast Harbour WOW Reserve (Stuart McKee)

An Arctic Skua (pale adult) was at Ballyquintin, Co Down. (Keith Bennett)

A juvenile Cuckoo was at Tara near Portaferry over the weekend - presumably a migrant as there aren’t any breeding birds anywhere near. (Dermot Hughes)

A first-summer Ring-billed Gull was at Rossnowlagh Point in Donegal (Brad Robson)

Exceptional movement of Manx Shearwaters were watched from St John’s Pt and Ardglass GC all day, peaking at 3,000/hour north between 4-5pm. 500 were rafting off the lighthouse at dusk. Also: 1 Bonxie, 2 Puffins, 85 Fulmars, 20 Arctic Terns, 20 Scoter and 4 Whimbrel (Chris Murphy)

Thanks to Dick Glasgow for this pic of a Tree Sparrow (which is carrying nesting material) and Stuart McKee for the Green Sandpiper:

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