
Bird news Tuesday 28th July

The White-rumped sandpiper is at Belfast Lough RSPB, still, also 1 Green Sandpiper and 1 Ruff. (Keith Bennett). A further 8 Common Sandpipers and a Whimbrel were also there this evening (Stuart McKee).

A juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker was visiting a feeder in a garden outside Drumaness this morning. (Monica Bailie).

Three Long-eared Owl fledglings were calling and flying at 9.30pm at Clay Road, Killyleagh yesterday. (Jasper Parsons).

A Peregrine was hunting over Longfield Point this afternoon just before high tide and took a Ringed Plover. (David Hill).

2 Whimbrel and a Great Skua were at Ramore Head (Matthew Tickner).

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