
Bird News Monday 24th August

A Wood Sandpiper and 5 Little Egret  where at Kinnegar lagoon this morning. (Robert Scott)

A Green Sandpiper, Garganey, the Great White Egret and 40 Ruff were in the south-west corner of Lough Beg. Most of the 150 Ruff from last Friday have moved on south (David Steele).

The Little Stint was still at RSPB Belfast WOW this morning (Brian Murphy)

5 Whimbrel were in flight over Ballyholme in Bangor (George Henderson).

A Common Sandpiper and 12 Redshank were at Ballyronan on the Londonderry shore of Lough Neagh (David Morrow).

Melmore Head in 2.5hrs this morning had 1juv Pomarine Skua, 5 Bonxies, 3 Arctic Skua, 1 Sooty Shearwater, 14 Arctic Terns, a Bar-tailed Godwit and 15 Whimbrel (Eric Randall and Oscar Campbell)

15/20 Ravens were feeding on a sheep carcass along the B27 east of Spelga dam. (Derek Polley)

Three Arctic Skua were off Grey Point, Belfast Lough this evening (Wilton Farrelly)

Yesterday a Pacific Golden Plover was reported from Myroe Levels (Birdguides)

Our thanks to Cameron Moore who kindly sent in the pics of an adult Mediterranean Gull and 2 Sanderling these birds where at Whitehead yesterday. Also to Stephen Maxwell for the pic of the Ruff and Dunlin

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