
Bird News Sunday 16th August

The Wood Sandpiper (best viewed from main hide) was still at RSPB Belfast WOW Reserve. Also 16 Ruff present. A Sanderling was at Kinnegar Shore (Stuart McKee) see photo below

A Quail was singing in an oat field at The Creagh to the south of Lough Beg at 10am. 2 Garganey and 20 Ruff were in the south-west corner of the Beg (David Steele)

A 1st summer Iceland Gull was in Glenarm Harbour.(Birdguides)

25 Whimbrel flew west over Castlerock (Mervyn Guthrie).

Iceland Gull - Gareth Platt.

Wood Sandpiper - Stuart McKee

Yellowhammer - Stephen Maxwell.

Redshank.- Aidan Donohoe.
Turnstone - Gareth Platt.

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