
Bird News Wednesday 12th August

The Spotted Redshank was still at RSPB Belfast Lough. Also at least 5 Ruff. (Keith Bennett).

An Osprey was fishing off the hide at Quoile Pondage (Billy Miskelly).

A dark phase Arctic Skua was at West Light on Rathlin Island. Migrant Wheatears and a Whitethroat were also noted (David Morrow, Neill Smith).

11 Roseate Terns were in Killough Harbour (on rocks at high tide off Fishermen's Row), 5 adults and 6 juveniles; all except one of the adults were ringed on both legs. A Minke Whale was off Ardglass Golf Club. (Tim and Chris Murphy)

Thanks to Stephen Maxwell for this picture of a Black-tailed Godwit.

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