
Bird News Friday 18th September.

Lough Beg to-day had the Great White Egret, a Ring-necked Duck, 10 White Wagtail a Yellow Wagtail and 25 Ruff.(David Steele)

Larne Lough had 18 Greenshank, 22 Little Egret, a Kingfisher and Carrion Crow. A second-winter Mediterranean Gull and 300 Razorbill/ Guillemot were off Whitehead (Cameron Moore)

5 Purple Sandpiper, 4 Ringed Plover and 6 Turnstone at the rocks at the Long Hole in Bangor.(David McCormick)

Our thanks to Andrew Poots for the picture of a Chiffchaff(pic 1). Also to Cameron Moore who kindly sent in the next three pics, pic 2 is of a Med Gull taken at Whitehead,pic 3 is a Greenshank and pic 4 is a Kingfisher. 

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