
Bird News Wednesday 23rd September

A Spotted Redshank, a Black Tern and 2 Ruff were at Inch Lake, Co Donegal (Chris Ingram).

An adult Ring-billed was at the East Strand in Portrush. (Birdguides).

A 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull was at Whiteabbey. (David Knight).

St John's Point from 8am to 8.30am had 1 adult dark phase Arctic Skua, 2 Little Gulls (ad and 2nd winter), 4 Red-throated Divers and the first obvious movement of Razorbills and Guillemots of the autumn. A Brent Goose and 100 Ringed Plovers were in Killough Harbour (Chris Murphy).

Thanks to David for the picture of the Mediterranean Gull and to Christine Cassidy for the picture of the Jay.

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