
Bird News Wednesday 9th September

An adult Med Gull was feeding with Black-headed Gulls & Kittiwakes off Blackhead this morning (Adam McClure)

An adult Little Gull was in Ardglass Harbour; 1 Whimbrel, 29 Grey Herons and 10 Brent Geese were in Killough Harbour (Chris Murphy)

Brent Geese continue to turn up at regular wintering sites and a flock were at Drains Bay this morning (David Ledsham)

Two Arctic Skua and a Manx Shearwater were off Kinnegar shore (Wilton Farrelly)

A Spotted Redshank was at Inch, Co Donegal (Chris Ingram)

A probable White-tailed Eagle was seen at Ballymagory, 3mile north of Strabane along the River Foyle (Ken McNamee)

The south west corner of Lough Beg had 2 Garganey, a Wood Sandpiper, 15 Ruff and 2 White Wagtail (David Steele)

Thanks to Stephen Maxwell for this pic of Curlew in flight:

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