
Bird News Tuesday 13th October

Redwings were heard over the Grosvenor Road, Belfast last night (Clive Mellon) A few Redwing were also over Belfast City Centre last night (Andy Elliott)

Three Purple Sandpiper were east of the Long Hole in Bangor (Derek Polley)

Yesterday 38 Pintail were seen from the Flood Gates, Newtownards (Margaret Adamson)

A Snow Bunting was still at Myroe (Christine Cassidy)

A Pink-footed Goose was with 43 Greylag Geese and 14 Little Egret at Ballycarry (Gerard McGeehan)

A very large Shag roost at Cloghfin Jetty near Whitehead had 340 birds counted this evening (Ian Enlander)

Rathlin Island had 1 Snow Bunting, 2 Yellowhammers and 1 Whooper Swan (Colin Guy). Colin's last record of Yellowhammer on Rathlin was also in October but in 2011. A pic of that bird is below.

3 Wheatear and 26 pale bellied Brent Geese at Tyrella. (Tim Ryan)

You can see a picture of the Yellow-browed Warbler from Portstewart Strand at:

Thanks to Christine Cassidy for this pic of the Myroe Snow Bunting and Colin Guy for the Rathlin Island Yellowhammer:

You can see more local bird pictures at

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