
Bird News Wednesday 7th October

The Spoonbill was at Island Hill, Strangford Lough, around 15:30 this afternoon. (Philip McErlean)

Also at Island Hill were 2000+ Brent G eese with many family groups along with  a thousand Golden Plover, two Wheatear and a Peregrine (Noeni Bryars)

The Bann Estuary had 4 Swallow, 3 Whooper Swan, 3 Pale-bellied Brent, a Wheatear, Merlin, Peregrine, Kestrel and Buzzard (Theo Campbell)

Redwing were seen and heard in flight over Ballyholme in Bangor last night and this morning (George Henderson)

A second winter Med Gull was in a ploughed field Lomond Road, Myroe. Also 1200 Golden Plover and a Wheatear were present (Stuart McKee)

Thanks to Philip McErlean for this pic of the Spoonbill and Noeni Bryars for the Wheatear:

You can see more bird pics at 

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