
Bird News Saturday 14th November

Two Slavonian Grebe were off Glynn (Neal Warnock)

A male Brambling was visiting a garden in Spa, County Down (David Nixon)

St John’s Pt had a Great Northern Diver; Tyrella a Red Kite, 900 Golden Plover, 300 Sanderling; Bishopscourt: 250 Woodpigeon, 1 Stock Dove; Strangford Narrows another Great Northern Diver; Tullyhill (nr Kilclief) had 3 Whooper Swans, 4 Little Egrets, 550 Golden Plover, 50 Lapwing, a Merlin, 65 Ringed Plover incl a pale (leucistic) bird and 2 Sandwich Terns. Portaferry pontoon (from Strangford) had 4 Sandwich Terns; Castleward Bay had a Carrion Crow and Kingfisher: Tullyratty Great Dam had 100 Greylags and a 'Snow Goose' lookalike, a returning hybrid (Chris Murphy)

A male Brambling was in a private garden in Whitehead (Cameron Moore)

80 Whooper Swans and 1 Greenland White-fronted Goose spent the day on the barley stubble fields near Aghalee (Ralph Walker)

Thanks to David Nixon for the top pic of the Brambling and Cameron Moore for the second pic:

David Nixon:

Cameron Moore:

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