
Bird News Sunday 22nd November

2 Chough were in flight at Fair Head, Antrim. (Keith Bennett)

An adult winter Mediterranean Gull was at the north foreshore Belfast Lough (Stuart Mckee)

Yesterday 42 Pink-footed Geese were at Inch in Donegal (Brad Robson)

On the east side of Strangford Lough were 7 Slavonian Grebe (5 in Greyabbey Bay, 1 at Kircubbin and 1 south of Horse Island) and a Black-throated Diver in Greyabbey Bay. (Richard Weyl)

The adult Ring-billed Gull and a second winter Mediterranean Gull were at Carrickfergus (Brian Murphy)

A 2nd winter Little Gull was on the river at Ballycastle (Colin Guy)

A Chiffchaff was this morning at Derryboye, near Crossgar. There was a Snow bunting and Kestrel at Killard Point this evening (Jamea O'Neill)

A Red Kite was seen hunting beside the M1 Motorway between Moira & Lurgan (junctions 9 & 10). (Gareth D.A. Platt)

A woodcock was at A5 near Newtonstewart Co Tyrone last night. This afternoon a group of Crossbills and Golden Plover were at Clabby Mountain, co Fermanagh (Colin Bell)

Thanks to James O'Neill for this pic of the Snow Bunting and David McCormick for the Brent Goose:

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