
Bird News Wednesday 11th November

2 Waxwings were perched on a Hawthorn hedge along the A57 near Ballyclare, Co. Antrim this morning. (Neal Warnock).

2 Ruff were at Belfast Lough RSPB reserve. (Gerard McGeehan).

2 Long-tailed Duck were at Carrickfergus (Dot Blakely). 

At Larne Lough 23 Whooper Swan and 5 Snipe were at Glynn (Linda Thompson). 

A Little Gull, Mediterranean Gull, Whimbrel and Sandwich Tern were at Orlock Point. Another Sandwich Tern was at Donaghadee (Stephen Foster, Ronan Owens).  

12 Little Egret were at Patton's Marsh near Newtownards. Another 5/6 Little Egret were in fields near the airport (Ian McKee).

A flock of over 20 Whooper Swans were near Toome today, see picture below. (Angus Kennedy).

A Kestrel and a Short-eared Owl were hunting over Killard and an adult Mediterranean Gull was on Ballyhornan beach (Chris Murphy)

Thanks to Linda Thompson for the first picture of some of the Whoopers at Glynn, to Angus Kennedy for the second picture of the Whooper in flight near Toome and for the picture of Brent Geese and Wigeon in flight near Castle Espie and to Alexander McCooke for the pictures of the Redwing and the Song Thrush in his garden.



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