
Bird News Wednesday 25th November

A female Brambling was in a garden in Antrim (Mark Smyth)

A Common Scoter was at Mill Bay in Larne Lough and 3 Twite at Whitehead boat yard (Cameron Moore)

St John’s Point had a Grt Norther Diver, 12 Brent Geese grazing among c. 1,000 Common Gulls, 6 migrant Song Thrushes and a Little Egret; Rossglass to Tyrella had a Fulmar, a Grt Northern Diver in summer plumage, a Red-throated Diver, 6 Common Scoter, a Red Kite, c.200 Sanderling, 3 Purple Sandpipers and 3 Twite (Chris Murphy)

A Jack Snipe was at Lower Lough Erne Islands RSPB and a Brambling in a garden at Monea (Brad Robson)

Today at Myroe were 350 Brent, 100 Whooper, 5 Fieldfare, 3 Redwing, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit and 1 Greenshank. (Robert McDowell)

For anyone interested, an American Bittern was found in Co Cork today and it gave excellent views!

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