
Bird News Sunday 27th March

The female American Wigeon was still in Dargan Bay this morning (Birdguides).

Summer visitors are now starting to return....3 Sand Martin and a Swallow were at Belfast Waterworks. One Chiffchaff was singing at Ligoniel Dams. (Larry Toal). A Willow Warbler was on the Inver river in Larne.(Gavin Ferguson)

Yesterday the Glossy Ibis was still in flooded fields by the bridge at Toome. (Birdguides).

Two second summer Med Gulls and two adult summer Meds were at RSPB WOW Reserve. Two Ruff also. (Stuart McKee/Gareth Platt)

A Red Kite was seen at Magherlin Co. Armagh (Bobby Hanna).

The Spoonbill was still at Mullagh, Lough Beg today, also present were 3 Swallows and 3 Sand Martins.(David Steele).

Yesterday - 13 Greenland White Fronted Geese were with Greylag's on the Myroe Levels, also 350 to 400 Brent Geese. (Gareth Platt) 

White-fronted Geese- Annette Elkin Part of flock from Lough Macnean Co.Fermanagh.
Mediterranean Gull - Gareth Platt

Willow Warbler - Gavin Ferguson.

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