
Bird News Sunday 3rd April

The drake Ring-necked Duck was at Castle Ward, Co Down. Strangford had two second summer Med Gulls and a leucistic Black-headed Gull. An adult Little Gull was at the Quoile. (Wilton Farrelly)

Chiffchaff, Sand Martin and Swallows are now reported widely in NI. At least 4 Swallows, two House Martins and two Chiffchaff were along the Broadwater between Aghalee and Soldierstowm this afternoon (Nigel Moore). Blackcap, Willow Warbler & Chiffchaff were at Craigavon Lakes today. (Karen Elliott) and the same species at Kinnegar (Daniel Barry).

Two Med Gulls were at RSPB Belfast WOW Reserve (It is believed that there may be up to 5 Med Gulls frequenting the reserve), also 2 Ruff and 2 Sand Martin's present. (Tom Ennis)

The first spring Arctic Terns (3) were at Cockle Island, Groomsport (Gareth Platt). 3 Sandwich Terns were also there (Gareth Platt / George Henderson)

It is worth noting that a Dark-eyed Junco was on the Isle of Man today!

Ring-necked Duck:

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