
Bird News Sunday 8th May

The Glossy Ibis was still at Portmore Lough (Birdguides)

An adult Little Gull was at Glynn (Garry Armstrong)

A female Yellow Wagtail was c1 km north of Kearney, Co Down (Richard Weyl)

An Osprey was heading north in Sionmills Co Tyrone at 3pm (Brian Hegarty)

Good numbers of Whimbrel (80+), and Wheatear (15+) were at Lough Foyle polders (Donnybrewer/Longfield and Myroe) today. (Gareth Bareham)

A Whitethroat was at Whitehead. A Whinchat, Wheatear and a Cuckoo were at Glenwherry. An adult Med Gull and 3 Whimbrel were at Glynn (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop)

A Corncrake was heard on Rathlin yesterday.

3 Cuckoo, Downings, Donegal (Christine Cassidy & Ray Brogan)

A Long-eared Owl was seen at Ballymoney Road, Helens Bay. (Richard Woods) Another was seen yesterday by the bend in Ballysallagh Road, Bangor (Richard Haydon)

A Cuckoo was at Leitrim Lodge near Rostrevor this afternoon.

At Floodgates/Patton’s Marsh there were 5 little Egret, 2 Sedge Warbler, a Wheatear, a pair of Stonechat and 40+ Common Tern. (Karl Martin)

RSPB Belfast WOW Reserve had 4 Med Gull and 2 Ruff (Stephen Maxwell)

It is now estimated that over 600 pairs of gulls are nesting on the roof of the Tesco distribution warehouse in Antrim. They are mainly Lesser Black Backs and Black-headed. (Mark Smyth)

An adult White-billed Diver was at the east end of Tory Island (Robert Vaughan)

Thanks to Stephen Maxwell for this pic of a Black-tailed Godwit and Christine Cassidy for the Cuckoo. You can see more bird pics at :

Black-tailed Godwit, Stephen Maxwell:

Cuckoo, Christine Cassidy:

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