
Bird News Tuesday 31st May

Red-rumped Swallow was seen on Murlough beach this afternoon heading towards Dundrum at 2.45 pm approx (Garry Wilkinson)

There are four Ruff at RSPB Portmore Lough, two males in breeding plumage, and two females. There was also a Garganey. (Laura Smith)

A Kingfisher was seen at Knockbridge,nr Portadown on the Newry canal side.(Paul Allen)

Yesterday Padddy Dub Lough Beg had 1 Little Egret,  1 pair of Garganey,  2 male Shoveler,  3 Canada Geese,  23 Whooper Swans,  6 Ringed Plover,  4 Dunlin,  30+ Redshank and 20+ Lapwing (Godfrey McRoberts)

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