
Bird News Friday 5th August

A Green Sandpiper was heard calling in flight at dusk yesterday evening along the River Main at Slaght south of Ballymena. (David Steele)

Whitehead seafront had 1 Roseate Tern and 6 Common Sandpiper. Later there was a loafing group of 250+ Common Tern present with a nearshore feeding seabird group of 1000+ Manx Shearwater with a  few Kittiwake and Gannet and mix of 100+ Sandwich and Common Tern also foraging. There was no sign of the Roseate Tern (Ian Enlander)

The White-rumped Sandpiper and a Ruff were at RSPB WOW this morning. Two Common Sandpiper were at Kinnegar (Richard Hunter).

Six Garganey (two eclipse males, three females and a juvenile) were at Lough Beg this evening. Four Little Egrets (two adults and two juveniles) were in the southwest corner. (David Steele).  

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