
Bird News Monday 22nd August

At least one of the two KIllough Ospreys was still present this morning. Also two Kingfishers and the Black Swan. Two thousand Manx Shearwaters and large numbers of other seabirds were feeding close in shore off St John’s Point this morning, Hundreds of Swallows were going through also. Yesterday evening three White Wagtails and a Merlin were in Killough Harbour (Chris Murphy)

Eight Curlew Sandpipers, the juv Black Tern, 2 adult Roseatte Terns and 8 Ruff were at RSPB WOW (Daniel Newton / Wilton Farrelly)

The Spotted Redshank was at Ballycarry and an Arctic Skua was seen at the entrance to Larne Lough (Cameron Moore)

A Little Egret was seen at Upper Lough Erne, Co Fermanagh (Brad Robson)

Off the North Down coast this morning - small rafts of Guillemots, Razorbills, Puffins and Black Guillemots. Also three Great Northern Divers flying west into Belfast Lough. (Julian Greenwood)

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Thanks to Cameron Moore for this pic of the Spotted Redshank and the Arctic Skua and Chris Murphy for the Osprey:

Spotted Redshank - Cameron Moore:

Arctic Skua - Cameron Moore

Osprey - Chris Murphy:

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