
Bird News Saturday 20th August

A juvenile Black Tern, 8 Curlew Sandpiper and 7 Ruff are at RSPB Belfast WOW. (Garry Armstrong).

The Osprey is still in the Strand Lough area, seen from Killough Bridge this afternoon being harassed by a couple of Rooks. (Peter & Dougie Gamble).

There were 41 Little Egrets and 16 Grey Herons at Murlough this afternoon. They were in the field on the right beyond the NT holiday let at the Keel Point entrance. (Angus Kennedy).

A juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, 3 Osprey and 2 Little Egret were at Lough Beg this evening, at least 4 Garganey were also still present. (Davy Hunter/David Steele).

Below are a couple of pictures of the Black Tern and thanks to Stephen Maxwell for the picture of two of the Curlew Sandpipers at Belfast WOW and to Cameron Moore for the pictures of the Whimbrel and the Sandwich Tern with the white ring nzr on its right leg and a metal ring on the left leg.



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