
Bird News Wednesday 24th August

The Osprey was hunting the Quoile this morning around the barrier gates over in to the bay next Killyleagh Road and over to the yatch club. (Tony Donaldson).

The juvenile Black Tern and 2 Roseate Terns were at Belfast RSPB WOW reserve. (Stephen Maxwell).

2 more Osprey were hunting at 1pm over the Roe Estuary. Three Curlew Sandpiper were also at The Bann Estuary (Richard Hunter)

6 Ruff and 8 Curlew Sandpipers are at RSPB WOW (Gerard McGeehan)

A Curlew Sandpiper was at Blanket Nook today. Also a presumed hybrid adult Glaucous x Herring Gull offshore (Chris Ingram).

Twelve Little Egret were west of the Downshire Bridge, Dundrum inner bay and one just east of the bridge around 10 o'clock this morning. (Dougie Gamble).

A juvenile Whinchat was on Rathlin. A family party of Choughs and two Sparrowhawks were also seen on the South Arm. At Ballycastle a sub adult Little Gull was feeding at the outlet at Marconi's. (Colin Guy).

An Osprey was at lower Lough Macnean in Co. Fermanagh this morning. (A Brady).

A Little Egret was at Hay Island in Lower Lough Erne this afternoon. (Andrew Gallagher).

Thanks to Tony Donaldson for the picture of the Osprey, to David Hunter for the picture of the Buzzards, to Linda Thompson for the pictures of the wing tagged Buzzard taken at Kilroot and for the picture of the Razorbill and to Dougie Gamble for the picture of the Little Egret:

Tony Donaldson - Osprey

David Hunter - Buzzards

Linda Thompson - Buzzard with a yellow tag on the right wing and a white tag on the left.

Linda Thompson - Razorbill

Dougie Gamble - Little Egret

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