
Bird News Sunday 25th September

A Pectoral Sandpiper was at Balls Point, Lough Foyle (Garry Armstrong). Possibly the same bird was seen later at Myroe. Also at Myroe were 4 Curlew Sandpipers, Two Little Stint and a Merlin (Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop, Carol Gillespie, Daniel Newton)

An Osprey was at Downhill (Jeff Larkin) and seen later at Magilligan Point (Petr Sramek and Petr Suvorov)

Five Pink-footed Geese were in a stubble field on the way out to Magilligan Point. (Wilton Farrelly)

Four adult Med Gulls were at Ballykelly (Philip West)

A Ruff was at Kirkiston, Co Down (Richard Weyl)

At least 30 Little Egrets were at Dundrum Inner Bay, Co Down (John Moore)

The Bairds Sandpiper was searched for at RSPB WOW Belfast but not seen.

Thanks to Nigel Moore for this pic of a Little Stint at Myroe. You can see more local bird pics at 

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