
Bird News Sunday 4th September

A Baird's Sandpiper, a Ruff, 5 Curlew Sandpipers and 2 Peregrine were at Myroe this morning, 2 Mediterranean Gulls were on the mudflats at the Roe end of Myroe. One of the Curlew Sandpipers had a yellow ring and flag , A12, on its left leg and a red ring and metal ring on its right leg. (Garry Armstrong/Gerard McGeehan) Video footage of the Bairds from Daniel Newton can be seen at:
Two Little Stints were also at Myroe early this morning (Daniel Newton)

At least 12 Roseate Terns were still on the planks at RSPB Belfast Lough WOW Reserve this afternoon, 7 Ruff and 4 Curlew Sandpipers were also present. (Garry Armstrong).

A Black Tern and juvenile Yellow-legged Gull were at the Bann Estuary late morning. (Daniel Newton) A Little Stint was also there later on (Gerard McGeehan)

At Burial Island, ConDown were 3 Great sSua, 7 Red-throated Diver and 30 Puffin. A Kingfisher was at Orlock Point. (Richard Weyl)

The Kingfisher was seen again in Orangefield Park, Belfast (Patrick Coffey)

A Raven was on top of the spire of Westkirk Presbyterian Church on the Shankill Road at 10am this moring being mobbed by 2 Hooded Crows (George Stewart)

Below are a couple of distant pictures of the Bairds Sandpiper plus a picture of two of the Roseate Terns at the WOW reserve.

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