
Bird News Wednesday 14th September

A Tree Pipit was 200m SW of the old coastguard building at the south end of Killough at 11am. A juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, a Common Sandpiper, 2 Sanderling, 4 Bar-tailed Godwit, 98 Curlew, 104 Ringed Plover, 7 Brent Geese, 5 Little Egret and 4 Wheatear were in Killough Harbour. (Tim Murphy)

An Osprey was seen at 0900 on Belfast Lough, one mile south of Kilroot, heading south west (Dennis Weir)

A Wheatear was seen in a car park off Boucher Road, Belfast this morning. (Adam McClure)

A juvenile Black Tern, 4 adult and 1 juv Roseate Terns and 2 adult Med Gulls were at Seahill, Co Down (Ronald Surgenor)

A Red Kite was between Portaferry and Kircubbin at 12.30pm yesterday (James Hendry)

A 2nd winter Little Gull and 3 Med Gulls (2 Ad, 1 1st W) were at Portrush East Strand this evening. The 2 adult Med Gulls are different to recent birds meaning at least 4 different birds there in the last week. (Matthew Tickner)

A juvenile Little Tern was feeding amongst Sandwich Terns at Groomsport this afternoon (Philip Watson)

Thanks to David Hill for this pic of a Curlew Sandpiper from Myroe today:

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