
Bird News Friday 21st October

A Goosander was at Nandas Bridge, below the Lock-keepers Cottage on the River Lagan, Belfast (Muriel Moore)

Two Green Sandpipers were at Clea Lakes, Co Down (Julian Greenwood).

Two families of Whooper Swans were at Ballyronan in Lough Neagh. (David Morrow).

A female Scaup was in the channel at Myroe. (David Hill).

A Pink-footed Goose and a Goldeneye flew north past St John's Point this morning. A Wheatear was at Minerstown beach. 2 Wheatear, 2 Scaup, 2 Gadwall, 1 Teal, 20 Widgeon, 10 Great Northern Diver, 115 Red-throated Diver, 1 juvenile Velvet Scoter and 1500 Common Scoter were between Tyrella and Ballykinler. (Chris & Tim Murphy).

A Red Kite was flying towards Newry directly above the A1 near its junction with the road to Blackskull at approximately 1330hours today. (William Webb)

Thanks to Muriel Moore for the picture of the Goosander, to David Morrow for the picture of the Whooper Swans and to David Hill for the pictures of the female Scaup and the Black Guillemots;


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